Sunday Sounds: Jack Penate

Jack Penate, the rather dishy young fellow I first discovered in London thanks to one of his songs being played in a McDonalds (yes, not lying), has recently released a new track. After the success of his first and second albums, it seems he took a bit of a time out - but now it appears he is on the way to gracing our ears once again! 'No One Lied', is quite subdued in comparison to his most recent album, and I've loved listening to it over the past month. It's so wonderfully stripped back.

And this may be weird, and is probably due to some London withdrawals, but I simply love that you can hear a siren amongst the first few notes. Below is the song in question, and if you haven't heard of him (I believe he was not as big in Australia as he was in the UK), do yourself a favour and get on the google!

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