After braving the rainy walk and train ride into the valley we managed to arrive quite early and catch a few bands not yet on the radar. A nice surprise came in the form of the Pajama Club, with Neil Finn and his wife, Sean Donnelly and Alana Skyring (drummer for the Grates in her previous life), whipping out some nice songs that I will definitely be googling today.
Then it was Active Child, for only two songs sadly. Seriously an amazing band, who new harp playing was so freakin cool?
Next was Laura Marling, with her lovely British accent and
even lovelier tunes, by the time she played Sophia it was just the right
amount of icing on the cake. So glad I finally got to see her play.
We then whipped over to catch some Anna Calvi, because despite all the buzz I'm still yet to get off my arse and listen to her album. The buzz is now understood. This chick is super cool, and she's got guts, her guitar clearly says so. Then it was a bit of The Panics, who, since I was last here (2009), don't seemed to have changed too much, but it was a nice time to reminisce (mental note: listen to their new album).

Then it was The Drums. With a massive love for the band, it wasn't a hard decision to make, despite some timetable clashes. My sister had told me she didn't think they would be that great live (an opinion based on youtube videos only). But wow, they were the stand outs of the day for me, the energy was great and I didn't even take any shitty iPhone photos, I was having too much fun stomping my feet and singing the wrong words to care!
Finally, poor M83, the headline act, and victims of the Car Park Stage's ridiculous 'technical difficulties'. Despite being 50 minutes late, playing a shortened set minus my favourite song from their new album, it didn't really matter in the end, because Midnight City is a great song. And even though the energy levels were dwindling, I jumped about and beep booped my way into the night.
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