in the last minute...

Well well well, as per usual I'm posting quite late in the evening! Fashionably late if you will...

This week my distraction has been the upcoming IncStamp exhibition, for which I'm currently in the process of creating something for... and it seems time just keeps getting away with me! You can see some sneak previews here.

I hope you're all surviving the craziness that is the pre-holiday season build up! How about you take some time out now to check out some pretty things...?

1. Gorman Patent Sandal 2. Love Hate Deco Necklace 3. Gorman One Piece 4. Golden Ponies Coin Purse 5. Marcs Silk Neon Bloom Tank

PS: For my fellow Gorman fans, I recommend following the link to the shoes, they're all 30% off at the moment! Hooray for sales!

Sunday Sounds: The Temper Trap

Well the wonderful weekend is over my friends, I hope you all made the most of it!
Tonight I'm sharing something that's in no way a newie, but definitely a renewed love of mine. The Temper Trap have been great since the beginning, and I've seen them a fair few times live... but their supporting slot for Coldplay on Wednesday night was so freakin great and the sound in that stadium was so beyond awesome that I've found myself appreciating them all over again. This song is off their latest album and this particular video is a nice black and white feast for the eyes. Enjoy!

Sunday Sounds: Josh Pyke

Evening! I hope you've all survived the crazy storms we've been lashed with here and not had too much hail damage... no one likes hail damage.
Now tonight I'm drawing directly from my most recent festival experience (which was pretty damn great despite a couple of technical difficulties near the end) for an artist to share with you this eve. This fellow is one of my absolute favourites and it was totally lovely to get to see him again (for the Instagram followers, you may recall my big fan moment with him earlier this year... oh it was awesome). This song is a newer one that I'm quite enjoying at the moment, so go press play and we can enjoy it together!

it's a pick'n'mix!

The wishlist is a bit all over the place this eve... much like my head at the moment so you could say it's an accurate sartorial reflection.. mmmhhmm! I hope you're all surviving the week and a big high five to those of you that managed to get yourselves out of bed to see the solar eclipse this morning - I was busy hitting the snooze button, aahhh it was wonderful...

1. Gorman Carlo Backpack 2. Karen Walker Frill Shift 3. Tropico Shirt 4. 80's Striped Scarf  5. Elke Malachite Ring

Sunday Sounds: Gypsy & The Cat

Good eeeevening, I hope you've all managed to survive the crazy wind that's been blowing about today! Tonight I'm sharing a not so new song... but it's been stuck in my head since I saw these guys play last night

(PS: Daniel Radcliffe look alike alert)

In other news, Daisy See has reached 100 likes on Facebook! How fulfilled do I feel now?! I celebrated by doing a teeny little drawing and playing with it in all my silly iPhone apps to turn it into a colour explosion, enjoy friends!


Eeevening! I hope you're all doing well and not too sore after all the Melbourne Cup festivities yesterday. To those of you lucky enough to pick a winner (me! high five!), congratulations, and commiserations to those of you not lucky enough, I hope you enjoyed the excitement anyway! Aaanyway, I'll leave it at that for this week.
Be sure to stay tuned as I have a mannequin that is aaalmost assembled... how mysterious!

PS: How crazy great is that dress!?! Well done ASOS!

1. Graphite Grey Resin Ring 2. Cue Shape Neck Top 3. ASOS Holographic Skater Dress 4. Cotton On Jean Flat 5. Gorman Bridget Sunglasses

Sunday Sounds: Loon Lake

Gooood eve! I hope you've all enjoyed your weekendzz! I was actually lucky enough to have a ticket to see Ball Park Music last night in action at one of my favourite places... It was a pretty perfect way top off a day at the beach with pals... and it was made eeeven better with the quality of the supports. Loon Lake in particular managed to cause quite a stir in my ear drums. Take a look/listen below, it's a very appropriate tune for the coming season!

Oh and you should like, totally head on over to my little Daisy See etsy store, she's feeling a wee bit like the new kid in school at the moment and could do with some love.
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