the blog post formerly known as...

So yes. The title of this post isn't actually a prince-related joke (oh how I wish it was... my little red corvettes... ahem). It is actually a very literal reference to the fact that I had a really good title in my head a few hours ago, and it has since evaporated. Cool story right?
Anyway, I hope you're all having a great week so far and that the FWAF finale (as coined by my occasionally clever sister) was everything you hoped for and more! Oh, and feel free to take note of this weeks' wishlist for my impending quarter century... they may not look too flash all together, but I could be pretty sure my wardrobe needs the addition of at lleeasst one of these babies.

1. Vintage Embroidered Blouse  2. Top Shop Ikat Print Tee Dress  3. Judith Lieber Waist Belt 4. Genuine Large Opal Studs 5. Fossil Maddox Bucket Handbag

it's a DAISY SEE project update!

If you're following on Instagram this will be old news. But to those of you that aren't as obsessed like the
rest of us (aka, me)... I have some news! After being rather busy the past few weekends having an amazing
time with friends and family, I've only just managed to get some time to practice hemming the chiffon for
the DAISY SEE project.

After a few goes on the sample fabric I decided to attempt hemming the real thing... It was nerve-wracking to say the least! After some careful cutting, slow sewing and a bit of heat-sealing using a tea light... the first scarf is fray resistant and ready to adorn my coat hanger (for now). As with anything I do, I can already see imperfections... But all in all I think it's starting to come together, so get excited peeps! In a few weeks time I should have them all done and ready to be officially launched on the unsuspecting scarf-less individuals of Brisbane. In the meantime, follow here, here and here for all the latest info!

Sunday Sounds: The Killers

I've had a fantastic long weekend at the Gold Coast soaking up the sun, fancy accommodation (vs. the usual hostel rooms I'm used to) and good company. During that time I was also very very lucky to see the one and only Hanson, play their second last Aussie show. They were AWESOME, the energy in the room was fantastic and we all had such a good time! Strangely enough though we found ourselves mostly listening to The Killers latest album. So to make sure I don't spend this whole post boasting about the awesome fun I've had, I will simply leave you with this...

Sweet dreams!

the farmer wants a spring break

To those of you out there completely swept up in 'Farmer'... how great was tonight's episode!? That trash TV get's me so sucked in sometimes... you can't beat highly orchestrated situations for drama and excitement! Aaanyway, tomorrow is my Friday people, I'm super excited for (as dubbed by my super awesome pal) 'Spring Break 2012' (read: three day weekend at the coast seeing my favourite boy band play), let's just hope the weather holds out!
I'll stop flaunting now, I hope you're all having a great week! OH - and please do stay tuned re: the DAISY SEE project... it's just a tad in limbo due to a very busy month with birthdays, bridal showers, and a lack of confident hemming skills... but there will be movement at the station soon enough I promise! As always, you can keep up to date here & here!

1. Arabella Ramsay Crustacean Tee 2. Set of Skinny Bangles  3. Gorman Chinese Checkers Dress 4. Steve Madden Karroll Wedge 5. The Kimberly Bag

bridal shower inspiration

In preparation for my gorgeous cousin's upcoming 'Bridal High Tea' I've been all over Pinterest lately seeking out inspiration for pretty things to include in the festivities. So, based solely on the fact that it's all so pretty I've decided to share some of my favourites... and I can promise that I'll be sharing the final result right here in a few weeks time! Oh, and be prepared to marvel at my Aunty's amazing talents. She's handmade her own bunting already, stocked up on mason jars and she has vintage doilies spilling out of every nook and cranny - it's going to be so damn pretty!

Apologies for the image overload. It's all just so lovely (particularly that last one, it's quite close to the sort of thing we're going for I think!) PS: all images will be found through my Pinterest feed, if you spot an error let me know! 

Sunday Sounds: New Navy

These guys were a BIGSOUND LIVE discovery. I can't put my finger on who they remind me of exactly, all I do know is that it's catchy! I hope you all had great weekends, mine was jam packed with birthdays and drinks, I need the day off tomorrow just to recover!

bigsound bigsound bigsound!

Ok, so a Wednesday Wishlist being posted techinally on a Friday... what can I say, I'm no professional blogger y'all! As I've been completely occupied these past two evenings with BIGSOUND LIVE (follow @cjjd on instagram for the latest {meeting josh pyke!}) I have run out of time to post. Seriously, BIGSOUND has got to be the best thing Brisbane music has had going on in a long time! So glad I am here to be part of it! To those of you that attended I hope you had as much fun as I did, and to those that didn't, subscribe now to make sure you're all up in it next year!!
And now for some pretty things...

1. Ikat and Stripes Slouch Tee 2. Goldenrod Tiny Houses Necklace 3. Dahlia Floral Lace Collar Dress 4. Dusty Sky Hand Dyed Bandana 5. Kork Ease Grace

Sunday Sounds: Coldplay

Getting super excited for their concert in a few months! I know I'll lose it completely when they play this song. I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

more gorman love

Yep, I'm totally consumed with love. Infatuated even. Just go check out Lisa's latest collaboration with her pal Rhys Lee, this particular dress I find jaw droppingly wonderful! The colour! The detail!

up in the air...

So I flew today. I literally commuted via air... and I'm still awake! Yep, feeling all out of words/brains, so for now, lets just look and lust (especially over that Oroton bag - I've even seen it in the flesh... it's SO SOFT... and so expensive!).
Oh! And I have an update on the upcoming DAISY SEE project: HMAS USB reached his port safely and all cargo has been unloaded successfully - exciting exciting! I'll keep you posted when I next hear news! Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying the first week of spring!

1. Oroton Luca Satchel 2. Tiny Initial Custom Ring 3. Marcs Gemstone Print Dress 4. Woollen Blanket Club Rainbow Brooch  5. Gorman Freya Sandal

Sunday Sounds: Regurgitator

All I can say is... Wow, what a busy four days it has been! Starting with Semi-Permanent on Thursday, followed by Red Deer yesterday, and then the Suitcase Rummage today, all I can say is, I'm so glad to be home, clean, not too sun damaged, and about to get me some decent rest! So tonight I am simply letting the sounds do the talking for me, as my brain called it a night about 3 hours ago... Although really, I'm not sure what the sounds are saying, it just seemed appropriate to share following the excitement when Regurgitator played it last night at the festival... Anyway, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend enjoying the wonderful sunshine we've had!

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